Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Dangle, Munch, and Walk~

So I begin this post with a face very much similar to this kaomoji: ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ 
I'm super bored, and unfortunately nothing fun is going to happen this week. I have a tendency to want to go shopping, but considering I'm a student who is still currently unemployed, it really is out of the question. 
Thus, I will blog for you lovely people! 

ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Alrighty, so yesterday I had a family dinner! And normally, some people wouldn't be as excited as I would be but it was wonderful since my parents are normally absent due to work, and as my siblings get older; they too become more busy in their own lives. It went really well, and actually I think we over ordered from the restaurant too! One of my aunts also joined us, and even with six people (including myself) we couldn't finish. 

I only managed to grab one picture of what we were eating, but you get the general idea: it was mainly chinese food. :P LOL Anyway, how do food bloggers do this? I felt so out of place taking pictures of food, and even odder when I did it. I give credit to those brave 'ol food bloggers. >o< 

Come to think of it... No one in my family really knows that I blog. I guess it's more of my personal hobby that I haven't yet disclosed? 

Let's get on to the more cute stuff now shall we? 
I'm like a sucker for all things adorable, and when I managed to spot some seriously 'kawaii' phone charms, I thought: Hey, what the heck? LOL And they were at a super reasonable price, ^^ 

The bear looks demented in the eye doesn't it? LOL regardless, they are Rilakumma and Keropi (spelling error?) 
Besides that, I thought they were really adorable. And as evident in the picture above, I placed the bear onto my phone as soon as I could. It's actually really soft, and I love staring at it when it dangles (ADD?LOLOLOL)

WHEE! So that's about it. ^^ I took my dog for a walk as soon as I got home from everything, and it was kind of fun. It's good not to see dandelions all over the fields, but in it's place there were these white flowers everywhere. It looked kind of cool!

Hmm, so overall I'd say my day yesterday was fun, unfortunately I can't say the same for this very dreadful Wednesday. I'm bored out of my mind!! LOL 


DID I MENTION? The clouds looked pree' cool too!
Even though my camera isn't a DSLR, I'd say that's pretty damn good. 
Anyway, one day I look forward to trying to work with a DSLR...
Until than...
My Sony WX10 is going to be the pizza factory in delivering you these luscious photos. (; 

Alright guys, so tomorrow I think I'm going to blog about my day, I'm going to be going to the book store since I want to check out some books, manga and ... MAINLY manga. As much as my parents object to me buying manga... I'd like to build my collection. I haven't even owned a single series yet AT ALL. TwT I really would love a series... 
Anyay, until than, I give you my love and appreciation~



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